GS-Test Laboratory PZT
PZT has a GS-Mark Test Laboratory approval by ZLS (Zentralstelle der Länder für Sicherheitstechnik, Central Office of the Federal States for Safety Engineering) for:
- Head Protection (Helmets category II)
- Protective gloves (category II)
The GS-mark is a voluntary mark. The manufacturer decides whether the granting of a GS-mark will be applied for.
The legal basis of a GS-mark is Paragraph 5 (§§ 2-23) of the German Produktsicherheitsgesetz (ProdSG, Product Safety Act).
It shows that the marked product does not endanger the safety and health of the user in proper use as well as in foreseeable misuse.
Note: PPE Category III products GS mark cannot be granted.
Application Form GS-Test
The application forms for GS-test are made available at the respective page.